Hello there! Welcome to my blog. I have been thinking about blogging for quite a long time now but couldn't think of any topic. This year's pandemic gave me one. While all of us were locked inside our homes we tried many different things to stay away from boredom. I got driven towards something which led me to this blog. So what am I going to blog about? We all know that during the pandemic, there were restrictions imposed on all of us but some. These "some" were roaming around freely without any fear of getting punished. Who? Well, of course, the birds and animals. I know it's not new that they loiter around everywhere making all kinds of sounds, especially the birds. But, do we ever "listen" to them? Have you ever wondered what could be the meaning of every different type of "noise" they make? Or have you observed how these sounds change from sunrise to noon to sunset? Or even how our surroundings and their rapport with these innocent beings ...