Chapter 10: Birds in my Backyard (Part 1)

You know sometimes we are surrounded by things we want but we fail to notice them. No no, I am not quoting any cheesy dialogue from some Bollywood movie ๐Ÿ˜‚. Think about it, when we see a nature photo on social media we assume that it's clicked somewhere on the outskirts of the city, somewhere quiet and peaceful. But it only takes one moment of attention to realize that we are surrounded by the same wonders of nature that we scroll through on insta and FB.

I had the same moment of realization when I encountered some uncommon birds in my backyard (i.e., the small forest that has been mentioned so far). Well, actually these birds are very common but most of us haven't even heard their names. You know, for example, the Robins. There's Indian Robin and Oriental Magpie Robin. Both of them are quite common, beautiful, and have a very lovely voice. See for yourself๐Ÿ‘‡

Oriental Magpie Robin (male)

Oriental Magpie Robin (female)

Indian Robin (male)

Indian Robin (female)

We usually notice, rather we are pestered, by the omnipresent Feral Pigeons. Well, I have a love-hate relationship with them because most of the times they are very annoying but also a little cute sometimes. I have also come across their relatives, the Laughing Doves, who are much much cuter than regular City Doves. They have that similar innocent look in their eyes that I had noticed in Red-vented Bulbuls. The bulbuls too have a relative called the Red-whiskered Bulbul. Both of these cousins fill my evenings with their lovely songs.

Feral Pigeon

Laughing Dove
Red-vented Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul

So, what about my morning playlist? I've got Sunbirds to take care of it. The Purple Sunbird couple visits me whenever I have bright and beautiful red flowers blooming in my small terrace garden. While the Purple-rumped Sunbird couple hasn't paid me a visit yet, I have often observed them on the Neem flowers in my backyard.

Purple Sunbird (male)

Purple Sunbird (female)

Purple-rumped Sunbird (male)

Oh, and how can I forget the beautiful Brahminy Starling, a relative of the Common Myna. Another relative of Salunki is the Jungle Myna. Both of them are just as noisy as the common one. In fact, the Jungle Myna has a very close resemblance to Common Myna. And this reminds me of another similar-looking duo - Alexandrine and Rose-ringed Parakeet. Although, the later ones aren't as frequent visitors as the former ones.

Common Myna

Brahminy Starling

Jungle Myna

Alexandrine Parakeet (male)

Rose-ringed Parakeet (male)

Another common-unheard-of bird found in my backyard is the Ashy Prinia. You won't believe me, but during one of my nature trails I misunderstood the Ashy Prinia's tail as a snake๐Ÿ˜‚ because of its wagging motion in the grass. Then, there's the Common Tailorbird who is just as swift as Ashy Prinia. And a much more swift bird, the Oriental White-eye. So this is what generally happens with me in the case of White-eyes - they jump from tree 1 to tree 2 and then suddenly fly out of tree 6 and I am left in awe ๐Ÿ˜ถ. One more cutie is the Cinereous Tit, who looks almost like our dear House Sparrow. However, they are quite different in color.

Ashy Prinia

Common Tailorbird

Oriental White-eye

Cinereous Tit

House Sparrow (male)

House Sparrow (female)

To be honest, I wanna share about the rest of the contributors of this backyard biodiversity, too. But I don't think you guys would read that chunk of "data" after all of this. So Part 2 is coming soon.

Oh and, before I forget, part 2 of this post will be coming with a surprise. I am planning something very special for all my readers and subscribers, so make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel, blog and follow me on Instagram as well for more updates ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Let me know in the comments, which bird you liked the most from this part.

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